Title: That's Colonel Jack O'Neill. With 2 Ls. Description: [Stargate SG-1] Jack O'Neill can be a tough nut to crack, musically. And yes, I know that he is a General now, but this quote was too good to pass up.
Title: The Spaces Inside Rating: NC-17 Summary: John didn't know when he had started to look forward to their encounters. He only knew that somehow, they had become the highlights of his week.
Title: Smoking Was My Only Vice Rating: R Summary: (The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert) Benji said, "Is Adam your boyfriend?" "Adam is a foul-mouthed little fuck," Tick said. "No."
Title: Glimpses of the Edge Rating: PG Summary: (Stargate Atlantis) The aftermath of the Alliance of Atlantis, from the perspective of five very different women. Bridges universe, sequel to Bridges You Cross.